The Ultimate Guide for Quick and Easy Page Speed Optimization

Speed optimization is not easy!! A lot of it is over some DIY people’s heads. How do we get coveted 100% in the page speed checkers? Well here are some simple solutions anyone can do to help. First, leverage browser caching is a tough one. Many people don’t even know what that means. What do… Continue reading The Ultimate Guide for Quick and Easy Page Speed Optimization

Boost SEO with a Quick Shortcode to Display Page Children

We all know that the more links to a page the higher it shows in the search engines. This is also true internally. This is why it is very important to create a well organized interlinking structure. This can be slightly complicated, but here is a quick and dirty little trick you can use. I… Continue reading Boost SEO with a Quick Shortcode to Display Page Children

Epic Breadcrumbs with Rich Snippets Microdata

So, as it turns out, the cool happening kids on the web are all about this new rich snippets craze. They should. This is what Google recommends, and it is one step closer to the semantic web. So, I thought I would put out my version of what a great set of crumbs should look… Continue reading Epic Breadcrumbs with Rich Snippets Microdata