Styling Tables Like a Boss: Responsive Scrolling Data Tables with Alternating Colors

Sometimes, creating a table with lots of data on the web can make webpages long and overwhelming. Enter the hero of this story, my responsive scrolling data table with alternating colors. Here is the CSS For the table. #success_table { margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border: 1px solid #AFB1B2; } #success_table #table_header { background:#3E4344; color:#fff; font-weight:bold;… Continue reading Styling Tables Like a Boss: Responsive Scrolling Data Tables with Alternating Colors

What Every WordPress Developer or Designer Should Know About Styling WP Images

I thought about naming this post “Styling WordPress Images for Dummies,” but then I realized that this is not a post for dummies. This is a post for most WP developers I have worked with. I’ve seen many talented WP developers neglect this very important WordPress feature. I am talking about styling images to float… Continue reading What Every WordPress Developer or Designer Should Know About Styling WP Images