The Easiest Way to Defer Scripts in WordPress Ever!!

Deferring Scripts in WordPress is not the easiest thing to do. Many plugins add scripts to your site, and can become a mess very quickly and easily. Deferring one script at a time is not very efficient. Because of this, I wrote a short function that takes the hassle of deferring scripts. // add defer… Continue reading The Easiest Way to Defer Scripts in WordPress Ever!!

The Ultimate Guide for Quick and Easy Page Speed Optimization

Speed optimization is not easy!! A lot of it is over some DIY people’s heads. How do we get coveted 100% in the page speed checkers? Well here are some simple solutions anyone can do to help. First, leverage browser caching is a tough one. Many people don’t even know what that means. What do… Continue reading The Ultimate Guide for Quick and Easy Page Speed Optimization

Fastest Social Media Sharing Plugin Without The Bloat

One thing I have never understood is why these social media sharing plugins like Share This and Add This take so long to load. Don’t get me wrong, these are great plugins with a ton of features. However, you know what is more important than a ton of features? Increasing conversions. Two  key elements to… Continue reading Fastest Social Media Sharing Plugin Without The Bloat